
Isophane is a term often associated with insulin. Isophane insulin, also known as NPH insulin (Neutral Protamine Hagedorn), is a type of intermediate-acting insulin. It is commonly used to manage diabetes by helping control blood sugar levels.

NPH insulin is called “isophane” because of its unique formulation. It consists of regular insulin (a short-acting insulin) combined with protamine, a protein. This combination slows down the absorption and extends the duration of action of the insulin. As a result, it has a more prolonged effect compared to regular insulin, making it suitable for controlling blood sugar levels between meals and overnight.

Patients often use isophane insulin in combination with short-acting or rapid-acting insulins to provide both basal and prandial (mealtime) insulin coverage, helping to mimic the natural pattern of insulin secretion in the body. The choice of insulin regimen depends on the individual’s specific needs and the recommendations of their healthcare provider.

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